Death comes to town...
So another favorite is going away cause all these new assholes that moved into my area just kill business. Busy Bee is going away in OCT cause no one is shopping there anymore. You assholes don't know what's good and convenient unless you get kicked in the balls.
Busy Bee has been around for over 50+ years? Shit, I've been shopping there since I was 7yrs old and I'm 50. I'm madder than fuck that it's now gonna close. I shop there often. It's where you get all the basic essentials and more. They even busted their ass serving people during shittiest times of Covid by picking up their own supplies mulitple times a day to keep stock and keep you assholes fed and stuf. This is how you treat the place? The only real Greenpointers left IMO are the landlords that have been around for a long time. The Polish population is dwindling cause the peoples have been priced out of this neighborhood cause of all these new hipster, millenial, inbred chicken farmer trust fund babies that moved in ruining everying.
I gotta say, you dicks drink a lot. I have like 4 bars within like 2 blocks of me. Go drink your precious wheatgrass shots and get a high colonic for your ass and brains.
And then you all need to start supporting BUSY BEE and keep them alive. Talk to the owners, talk to Tommy and make suggestions on what kinda products the hood is looking for these days. Besides you get the best POLISH HAM and rye bread from there. And now what am I gonna do around Thanksgiving when we can't get their Homemade Cole Slaw anymore.
Rant over...for now.
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