Mickey D’s. Yeah, I had some.


A few weeks earlier I hung out with my cousin Kate who was in town.  We got to talking about Poland and food and she said, “you know what’s good there? McDonald’s”  I thought she was joking.  She said that the beef they use there was better than what we had in the states.  She also mentioned that along with the standard compliment of McMeals, they have a Polish burger out, specially for Poland.  Well, I have to give this a try when I get to Polskiland.  Well on the 22nd, I had that opportunity.  My mom, cousin Monica and myself went to a Micky D’s after checking out a summer palace that a king used to occupy. (more on a different blog)

The burger meal we all had was called the WieśMac.


What is says on the box is “Between vegetables with taste”.  Ok, I’ll give ‘em that.  It’s kinda like a BigMac but smaller.  Cheese, veggies, a sauce? and mayo.  Oh yeah a beef patty.  The size of the patty was kinda comparable to a BK Whopper patty which I find to be on the kinda big size.  Descent radius on it.  I’ll tell ya that the burger was very tasty for Mikey D’s.   I really did take my time tasting this thing.  I did notice a difference in quality with the beef, it’s just good.  The whole burger was put together well.  I had it with a large coke and supersized fries.   Let me let you in on a secret.  All the potatoes that McDonald’s uses to make fries for all their restaurants throughout Europe are grown in Poland.  I’ve been scarfing down quite a bit of potatoes since I got here.  Mickey D’s uses russet potatoes.   I don’t know what would happen if you put them in a jar and left them there for weeks on end like they did in the movie Supersize me, but they were really nummy.  A noticeable difference between the qual of Europe’s fries and the states.    The coke was better too.   I’ve noticed that I don’t care for the Coca Cola here as much as I did in Croatia, leaves a weird film across ur lips.  But this stuff comes from a fountain where the 2 main ingredients are combined at the last second.  The mix was very nice.  Another + for them.


My mom gave it a thumbs up as well.  And if mom says so then it is!  Smile

Ok so as far as Mickey D’s is concerned, comparing to the burgers from the states to here,                               I’ll give it 4 our of 5 Fat Guy Stomachs



McDonald’s   Warsaw, Poland


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